Wednesday, December 28, 2016


The holidays are a beautiful time in the season where many of us gather with our families in celebration. There are gift exchanges, games, and delicious food at our holiday parties. The weather is cold and nothing seems better than drinking hot chocolate with your family while watching a holiday favorite such as (Home Alone, It's a Wonderful Life). It is through all of this excitement and comfort that many of us may get off our exercise routine. In fact according to various studies the average American can gain as much as 20 pounds during the holiday season, Yikes!

Even just a few gained pounds can be a cause for concern for an individual.

The question then becomes how does one get back on track with their fitness?

Let's face it as your humble writer knows it is not easy to get into the gym frequently for a killer workout. Work and family obligations can make saving an hour out of one's day for working out seem like Mission Impossible at times.

Going to the gym is a big commitment and when you take time off of it the tendency to put it on the backburner tends to be very tempting. Some of you may think that you will just start your routine again after New Years and although a tempting proposition it often results in a fail. We are here to give you tips on how to stay on track because you deserve it! 

Tip 1: Carry Your Gym Bag in Your Car

Don't make your gym trip any more difficult that it has to be. If you are always prepared for a workout you will be more likely to get to the gym. There is nothing more time consuming that having to drive to your home to change especially if you live a good distance away from your gym. The guys in the yellow booties recommend that you always carry your headphones as well. There is no bigger disappointment that using the treadmill without something to listen to. 

Tip 2: Don't Lay Down After Work    

Yours truly recommends you going to the gym right after work. I personally have found that if you start to get comfortable after work that it starts to get too easy to avoid the gym. Make it a point to keep your energy level high leading up to the workout. We recommend a pre-workout shake to get you ready for a workout. 

Tip: 3 Get a Training Partner

At times it can be very difficult to motivate yourself. It's especially true if you don't have anyone to answer to. Some people need encouragement to get them on the right path. For me, it helped greatly when I had to prepare for my friend's wedding since I was a groomsman. My friend and I would meet each other at the gym every Friday after work and it did wonders for us.We both lost a lot of weight and got ourselves into great shape. After the wedding, we stopped working out and we are no longer in great shape but we are trying again :)  

Tip: 4  Start Off Slow and Work Your Way Back Up

We live in a time when people want instant results. Unfortunately trying to do too much at one time is often what causes people to get hurt or lose interest. Another thing to watch our for is working out so hard that you end up getting sore the next day. If you get very sore the next day it could dissuade yours from working out. 

Those are the top tips that have helped your appliance repair pros stay fit. Remember if you have any issues with your appliances or HVAC system not cooling call the guys in the yellow booties today. We are available 24/7 on 1-800-617-6235 or online at 

Friday, December 9, 2016

Top 5 Reasons Why Your Furnace Is Not Working Correctly

Below the guys in the yellow booties are providing you with the top 5 reasons why your furnace might not be operating correctly and some helpful tips on how you may avoid them from happening.

When the winter hits and the temperature begin to freeze we receive thousands of calls at SoBellas Home Services  It is during the season that our service calls can range from major repairs to simple issues that have a quick fix. We encourage you to read our blogs often so that you may be able to take preventative measures to prevent repairs.

  1. No Maintenance: The first and Foremost reason why furnaces have issues are because of a lack of seasonal maintenance. Not maintaining your furnace can also result in costly breakdowns and additionally it also assures that your unit will not be working at optimal levels.We recommend that you select a trained and certified technician to perform your seasonal maintenance. Our customer care club provides our customers with 2 annual inspections along with several discounts that they can take advantage 
  2. There is not enough air: If you are not getting enough quality air then this may be because your filters may need to be replaced. Replacing your filters is extremely important because if they are dirty or clogged they will restrict the air that you are able to receive. 
  3. The furnace is making a loud noise: When a furnace is making a loud noise that may be indicative of a mechanical malfunction that needs to be checked by a technician. A loud noise could also be indicative of a blower wheel that has stopped working. When this situation occurs it is important to schedule an appointment immediately as this is a major issue.         
  4.  Help! My furnace won't turn on: Although this may sound like the worst situation it may actually turn out to be a simple repair. This situation can occur when something is wrong with the thermostat. We recommend checking to see if the batteries are still working. Another thing that you can try is checking the thermostat for debris or dust.       
  5. Why are some of my rooms not heating?: This tends to be a common concern that we receive during the winter. We can tell you with confidence that more than likely this is occurring due to your air ducts. It may be possible that you have leaking ducts which could potentially run up your energy bill.
If you are located in El Paso, Las Cruces or San Antonio make sure to call up the guys in the yellow booties for help.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The Origins of the Air Conditioner: Was Willis Carrier a Superhero?

Was William Carrier a Superhero
The origins of air conditioning actually started when a young electrical engineer named Willis Carrier (Sound familiar?) was attempting to solve a humidity problem that a publishing company was encountering. Can you imagine that the A/C was invented by someone trying to solve something completely different? Must be nice to invent something that will revolutionize the world in such a manner. Well, enough of my pondering and back to the story.

In order to fix the moisture, Willis Carrier chilled the air inside the building by blowing it inside chilled pipes. That's it folks that explain's the origins of modern air conditioning. It was a superhero type beginning for a heroic invention. I mean can you imagine not having an A/C living out in the desert.

Now for the fun stuff. Let's now compare how Willis Carrier compares to most modern day superheroes. We will evaluate the following criteria based on the origin story, super power, heroic attributes and most importantly legacy.

Origin Story:

We would say that the origin story does comply with most superhero origins. For one thing, we have the people in distress AKA the printing company in New York, A man transcending from being a normal electrical engineer to establishing himself as a legend

Super Power:

In this case, the people in crisis were printing and lithography professionals. The issue they were experiencing was that humidity created chaos with their color register from printing. Willis clearly had the power of super-intelligence. His design was so innovative and super that it changed the landscape of the world in many ways and its resounding effects are still in effect today.

Heroic Attributes:  

Willis took an opportunity and maximized it. Regardless of his mentality at the time his hard work and dedication have provided the majority of the world with a more comfortable and healthy life.


His legacy speaks for itself the name Carrier is legendary and stands for innovation.
If you are having any issues with your air conditioner or heater visit us at  

Thursday, November 10, 2016

4 Fun Things You Can Do With Your Family on Thanksgiving

A lot goes into a great Thanksgiving.

Tracing a Turkey With Your Hands

A fun activity to do on Thanksgiving and probably the easiest is to have the family trace their hands in the form of a turkey. We assume a lot of you may have experience on this festive activity but just in case we are adding the directions.
  1. Make sure you have a sheet of paper. You can be creative with the color and also have some colored pencils or markers handy.
  2. Trace your hand onto the paper with your palm down and your fingers spread apart.

Placing your completed turkeys in a scrapbook could be a great way of remembering the day.   

You Can Have A Cookie Decorating Contest 

One of the most entertaining activities that you can partake in this Thanksgiving is a cookie contest. Once you bake your cookies you just need to ensure that you have the following items:
  1. Cookie Cutters
  2. Color's
  3. Painting Brush
Have a blast! and make sure to have prizes for the winners. 

Board Games are Always a Blast

There are several board games that we recommend for you and your family. The best part about board games is that they bring the family together in a competitive and fun way. You will also be sharing a ton of laughs and depending on the game almost all of the ages can participate in one way or another. Some of the guys in the yellow booties favorite games are the following:

  1. Monopoly
  2. Clue
  3. Jenga
  4. Life

Arts and Crafts are always a Great Time!

Kids love to be creative and arts and crafts not only provides them with a fun activity but it is also a tremendous learning opportunity. Just because it is arts and crafts does not mean that it has to be something very complicated and time-consuming. There are many great resources online and you can also make it a library trip for you and the kids. 

Remember if you sense any issues with your oven or kitchen appliances do not hesitate to contact your friends over at SoBellas. If you mention that you read this blog on your next call we will make sure to add a discount for you.  

Friday, October 28, 2016

5 Great Ways to Keep Healthy On Halloween

One of the most exciting times of the year for many people is Halloween and who can blame them. A holiday where one can dress up as their favorite superhero as well as eat their favorite candies sounds like a pretty good deal for us. In fact, it is amazing to think that over the years the holiday has started to become embraced by adults just as much as it is by children. Due to the amount of our customers that celebrate Halloween we have come up with 5 great ways to keep healthy during Halloween.

Think to Yourself Do You Really Need to Eat This? 

Keep in mind that a lot of candies can include a high amount of calories. Make sure to read the labels and to most importantly limit your candy consumption. It is also a good idea to purchase low-calorie candies or to supplement them with healthier snack options. There are many fat-free candies that one can choose from. 

Purchase your Goodies a Few Days before Halloween 

Let's face it the earlier you buy your Halloween treats the better chance that you will end up having to make a second trip to buy more. At SoBellas we recommend that you purchase your candies a few days out from Halloween to reduce the temptation that the holiday brings.

If your Kids are Trick or Treating Joining them makes for Great Cardio and a Safer Experience 

Nothing like burning extra calories while getting free treats
Nowadays there are many alternatives to neighborhood trick or treating. There are malls and bazaars that provide fun-filled entertainment for the entire family. If your children are going trick or treating in a neighborhood we suggest that you accompany your child at all times. Not only will you be ensuring their safety but you will also be burning calories at the same time.

Use the Treats as an Opportunity to educate your children on Healthy Eating  

After a fun filled day of trick or treating a fun activity can be to go through every candy that you received. Not only is this a must to make sure that the candy is safe but it can also allow you an opportunity to teach children about the content of each candy. As appliance repair and HVAC experts, we know that there is no substitute for learning opportunities.

The Last Tip That we Have is actually a Series of Tips from our Staff!

Joanna Castaneda (Office Manager) - "Make sure to check your children's candy before they eat them."

Carlos Bernal (Comfort Specialist) - "Stay safe and try not to overeat."

CJ (Office Staff) - "Drive safe!"




Friday, October 14, 2016


At SoBellas Home Services we know that one of the most important aspects of home maintenance is making sure that you select a heating contractor that you can trust. That is why when we send out our certified and trained technicians to your home we make sure that you receive the best seasonal maintenance in the market today. We have put together 5 important reasons why you should not put off having your furnace checked any longer.

Extending your furnaces life

Let's face it the whole the reason that you invested so much money into your furnace is because you have expectations that it will last and get you through more than the just one harsh winter season. By having seasonal maintenance performed on your unit we will be able to find any potential issues that could become costly repairs in the future. Our goal is to keep your unit running at optimal standards.

Improve comfort, reliability, and safety

The damage caused by carbon monoxide is staggering. In fact, according to the centers for disease control and prevention website the following graph exhibits the danger caused by carbon monoxide.


Potential to reduce utility bills 

The beauty of seasonal maintenance is that it allows us to make sure that your unit is using the correct amount of energy. Our customer care club which provides you with two annual visits from one of our certified and trained technicians has shown that some of our customers save up to 25% on their utility bills. That is a good reason to start getting your unit maintenance. 

We know what a challenge it can be to get your home maintenance done and because of this we are here to help you. Call us at 1-800-617-6235 or visit our website at         


Tuesday, August 9, 2016

SoBellas Top 3 Movies for Family Night 

Welcome to our new weekly blog series that focuses on entertainment and that highlights some important things that you may be able to do with your family this weekend. My name is CJ and if you ever called us for appliance repair and heating and cooling there is a great chance you have spoken to me. Asides from helping you at any moment that I can I also have a fun entertainment backround . Remember I am available through our website chat at  should you have any questions about heating and cooling.

I also have a great entertainment background and have many friends in Hollywood so I hope you enjoy our new venture into incorporating some fun and entertaining blogging into the mix. We love appliances but we also love knowing what our customers may find entertaining and exciting in pop culture.

CJ with his good friend "Anabelle"

1.) "MRS. DOUBTFIRE" PG 13 - 1993 Comedy  

Staff Pick - Office Manager Joanna Castaneda

This comedic masterpiece led by the late great Robin Williams always provides families with a ton of laughs. The adventure takes you through Daniel Hillard's (Williams) quest to reclaim his family by hatching a elaborate plan to dress as a British Nanny to gain access to his children. This film will have you laughing and crying.      

2.) "The Lion King" G - 1994 Drama  

Staff Pick -  Office Representative Jackie Oliphant

Who does not remember Jonathon Taylor Thomas (JTT) during the early 90's. His acting chops were put to good use as the voice of Simba in this kids classic. In film history this movie is revered as a classic that is always able to get a tear out of the audience. Grab the popcorn and prepare to have a blast.

3.) "The Princess and The Frog" G - 2009 Fantasy        

Staff Pick - Office Representative CJ 

Okay so CJ is a little bit biased on this one as his good friend Rob Edwards is the writer. There is no denying though that this project broke grounds. This is a must see not only for its historical significance but also for its beautiful storytelling. 

There you have it folks. 

Until next time these are your friends in the Yellow Booties signing out.  

Saturday, February 27, 2016

The Top 4 Things That You Did Not Know Could Be Put In Your Washer

The Guys in the Yellow Booties are always looking to write fun appliance repair blogs for our loyal customers.

This time we thought that it would be fun to list the top 4 things that you probably don't know can be washed in your washing machine.We know that your busy so fortunately, We have picked the top items that will make your busy life easier.


At some point your kids backpack is going to get dirty. There is a high chance that the material its made of is washable. Just make sure to clean it out thoroughly and you should be good to go.


Considering that curtains can get very dirty and dusty it is not a bad idea to put them in the washer. One important thing to remember is to check out the care label to avoid damaging them.


Make sure to put your laces away when you put your sneakers into the washer. It is also important to clean out any debris from your sneakers. A good idea is to put your sneakers in pillow cases.

Oven Mitts

As with anything you put in your washer make sure to read the product care label on the mitt. Make sure that when you take it out of the washer that you handle it delicately so no fabric or ribbons come out.

Anytime that you feel that your washer is not working correctly make sure to call SoBellas Home Services.We specialize in appliance repair and are always here to provide you with the latest tips in appliance repair.  

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

What your Washer is Doing Could be a Indication of Problems Ahead

Your washing machine is one of the most important appliances in your home. It gets used constantly by your family and most importantly makes your life easier. It can be devastating to use it only to realize that it is no longer working.

When this happens there is no better alternative than to pick up the phone and call the Guys in the Yellow Booties 

You should also know that just because your washer seems to be working correctly doesn't mean that its not a time to reach SoBellas.

The Moment that You Need Professional Help 

1.) It will not turn on.

If your washer is not turning on one of the problems that it may be is the lid switch. This purpose of the lid switch is to indicate to the washer that it can operate. If a lid switch does not work then it will make the washer inoperable by shutting down the circuits inside. In this situation you must contact a certified and trained technician.

2.) Wheres the water?

If you do not have any water in your washer then there is a big chance that it may have something to do with your hose. Not having water is always a indication that you need a professional call.

3.) My unit is making loud noises.

At times you may be experiencing loud noises simply because the clothes in your washer is arranged incorrectly. It could also be that you are hearing the motor.

Any time that your washer is leaking or not working properly we recommend calling appliance repair professionals like SoBellas Home Services. With our help we can have your washer up and running in no time.