Wednesday, December 28, 2016


The holidays are a beautiful time in the season where many of us gather with our families in celebration. There are gift exchanges, games, and delicious food at our holiday parties. The weather is cold and nothing seems better than drinking hot chocolate with your family while watching a holiday favorite such as (Home Alone, It's a Wonderful Life). It is through all of this excitement and comfort that many of us may get off our exercise routine. In fact according to various studies the average American can gain as much as 20 pounds during the holiday season, Yikes!

Even just a few gained pounds can be a cause for concern for an individual.

The question then becomes how does one get back on track with their fitness?

Let's face it as your humble writer knows it is not easy to get into the gym frequently for a killer workout. Work and family obligations can make saving an hour out of one's day for working out seem like Mission Impossible at times.

Going to the gym is a big commitment and when you take time off of it the tendency to put it on the backburner tends to be very tempting. Some of you may think that you will just start your routine again after New Years and although a tempting proposition it often results in a fail. We are here to give you tips on how to stay on track because you deserve it! 

Tip 1: Carry Your Gym Bag in Your Car

Don't make your gym trip any more difficult that it has to be. If you are always prepared for a workout you will be more likely to get to the gym. There is nothing more time consuming that having to drive to your home to change especially if you live a good distance away from your gym. The guys in the yellow booties recommend that you always carry your headphones as well. There is no bigger disappointment that using the treadmill without something to listen to. 

Tip 2: Don't Lay Down After Work    

Yours truly recommends you going to the gym right after work. I personally have found that if you start to get comfortable after work that it starts to get too easy to avoid the gym. Make it a point to keep your energy level high leading up to the workout. We recommend a pre-workout shake to get you ready for a workout. 

Tip: 3 Get a Training Partner

At times it can be very difficult to motivate yourself. It's especially true if you don't have anyone to answer to. Some people need encouragement to get them on the right path. For me, it helped greatly when I had to prepare for my friend's wedding since I was a groomsman. My friend and I would meet each other at the gym every Friday after work and it did wonders for us.We both lost a lot of weight and got ourselves into great shape. After the wedding, we stopped working out and we are no longer in great shape but we are trying again :)  

Tip: 4  Start Off Slow and Work Your Way Back Up

We live in a time when people want instant results. Unfortunately trying to do too much at one time is often what causes people to get hurt or lose interest. Another thing to watch our for is working out so hard that you end up getting sore the next day. If you get very sore the next day it could dissuade yours from working out. 

Those are the top tips that have helped your appliance repair pros stay fit. Remember if you have any issues with your appliances or HVAC system not cooling call the guys in the yellow booties today. We are available 24/7 on 1-800-617-6235 or online at 

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