Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The Origins of the Air Conditioner: Was Willis Carrier a Superhero?

Was William Carrier a Superhero
The origins of air conditioning actually started when a young electrical engineer named Willis Carrier (Sound familiar?) was attempting to solve a humidity problem that a publishing company was encountering. Can you imagine that the A/C was invented by someone trying to solve something completely different? Must be nice to invent something that will revolutionize the world in such a manner. Well, enough of my pondering and back to the story.

In order to fix the moisture, Willis Carrier chilled the air inside the building by blowing it inside chilled pipes. That's it folks that explain's the origins of modern air conditioning. It was a superhero type beginning for a heroic invention. I mean can you imagine not having an A/C living out in the desert.

Now for the fun stuff. Let's now compare how Willis Carrier compares to most modern day superheroes. We will evaluate the following criteria based on the origin story, super power, heroic attributes and most importantly legacy.

Origin Story:

We would say that the origin story does comply with most superhero origins. For one thing, we have the people in distress AKA the printing company in New York, A man transcending from being a normal electrical engineer to establishing himself as a legend

Super Power:

In this case, the people in crisis were printing and lithography professionals. The issue they were experiencing was that humidity created chaos with their color register from printing. Willis clearly had the power of super-intelligence. His design was so innovative and super that it changed the landscape of the world in many ways and its resounding effects are still in effect today.

Heroic Attributes:  

Willis took an opportunity and maximized it. Regardless of his mentality at the time his hard work and dedication have provided the majority of the world with a more comfortable and healthy life.


His legacy speaks for itself the name Carrier is legendary and stands for innovation.
If you are having any issues with your air conditioner or heater visit us at  

Thursday, November 10, 2016

4 Fun Things You Can Do With Your Family on Thanksgiving

A lot goes into a great Thanksgiving.

Tracing a Turkey With Your Hands

A fun activity to do on Thanksgiving and probably the easiest is to have the family trace their hands in the form of a turkey. We assume a lot of you may have experience on this festive activity but just in case we are adding the directions.
  1. Make sure you have a sheet of paper. You can be creative with the color and also have some colored pencils or markers handy.
  2. Trace your hand onto the paper with your palm down and your fingers spread apart.

Placing your completed turkeys in a scrapbook could be a great way of remembering the day.   

You Can Have A Cookie Decorating Contest 

One of the most entertaining activities that you can partake in this Thanksgiving is a cookie contest. Once you bake your cookies you just need to ensure that you have the following items:
  1. Cookie Cutters
  2. Color's
  3. Painting Brush
Have a blast! and make sure to have prizes for the winners. 

Board Games are Always a Blast

There are several board games that we recommend for you and your family. The best part about board games is that they bring the family together in a competitive and fun way. You will also be sharing a ton of laughs and depending on the game almost all of the ages can participate in one way or another. Some of the guys in the yellow booties favorite games are the following:

  1. Monopoly
  2. Clue
  3. Jenga
  4. Life

Arts and Crafts are always a Great Time!

Kids love to be creative and arts and crafts not only provides them with a fun activity but it is also a tremendous learning opportunity. Just because it is arts and crafts does not mean that it has to be something very complicated and time-consuming. There are many great resources online and you can also make it a library trip for you and the kids. 

Remember if you sense any issues with your oven or kitchen appliances do not hesitate to contact your friends over at SoBellas. If you mention that you read this blog on your next call we will make sure to add a discount for you.